Stereo imaging how to widen your mix

Stereo imaging is an essential aspect of a good mix. It is a technique that requires the combination of technology and artistry to add depth, height, and width to a sound to improve its quality. When mixing music, it is necessary to consider your target audience or the environment you’d like the sound to be placed in.

If you’re wondering how to get the best out of your sound through stereo imaging, this article will run you through what you need to know about stereo imaging and tips to widen your mix. Let’s get started. 

What is stereo imaging? 

Stereo imaging is an aspect of sound recording and production whereby an engineer or producer manipulates the parameters of a sound, such as width, depth, height, and balance, to create a sense of space for the listener. It is a tool to formulate a well-driven music piece. 

A mix has good stereo imaging if distinct instruments in the texture can be traced easily. With stereo imaging, the overall feel, groove, and fervor of a sound can be drastically changed, which explains why a good stereo imaging technique depicts a great sound producer.

Tips to obtain a wide mix 

Possessing the correct stereo imaging techniques is essential for a music producer. Here are a few tips on how to make your mix sound wide. 

Capture your stereo source correctly 

Getting it right at the stereo source is essential if you want to create a great mix. Changing the stereo characteristics of a recording after the fact can be quite uneasy. When you’re starting, focus on getting a compelling stereo image as you lay down your tracks. You can adjust the width of the sound to taste by fine-tuning the side mic relative to the mid mic. 


Paying proper attention to equalization and cutting down on needless frequencies is necessary before embarking on widening, panning, and other methods. It is required to make the most out of your sonic landscape. Not finding a balance for the frequency component of your audio signal can affect the quality of your mix when applying more processing and stereo imaging.

Use stereo imaging plugins 

Many stereo imaging plugins can make your mix sound wider, more 3D, and professional. Investing in these plugins, many of which are based around a central visualizer that can show the quality of your sound and how adjusting some parameters can add value to your sounds. 

Move from mono to stereo 

Make it a habit to start your mixing in mono, as it allows you to focus on much more subtractive processes of elimination and EQing. Creating stereo signals from mono ensures that blend levels are set correctly, which happens to be a vital aspect of mixing. 

Final thoughts

Stereo imaging is an important aspect of a great mix. Knowing the right techniques and factors that can help you achieve a wide stereo image is essential. Be sure to practice these tips on your mix and see the magic you will create.